Unser Trainer Uli leitete in der Schweiz einen zweitägigen Lehrgang zu dem Thema "Armadong Kali – Verteidigung im Falle von Messerbedrohungen". Seminarteilnehmer waren überwiegend erfahrene Kampfkünstler und Polizisten. Auf Grund der Einstufung des Trainingsorts gibt es zu dem Lehrgang selbst keine Bilder aber immerhin einen kurzen Bericht auf der Facebook-Seite von Armadong Kali:

Last weekend I was honoured to experience an exciting Armadong Kali training with Punong Uli in Bern, Switzerland. The training group – mostly experienced martial artists and police officers – requested knife and counter knife as training topic. Knife and counter knife being one of the specialities of Armadong Kali, Punong Uli was pleased to deliver: the training was all about knife attacks and empty hands or weapon based counter measures. Uli answered individually to each ones questions and he gave sufficient training time to practice precision and to correct the details of execution. 

Using his more than 30 years experience in Pekiti Tirsia Kali and Armadong Kali, Uli gave a lot of attention to understanding the context and details in positioning and execution of the techniques. It is those details, that make or break the successful application of a technique. The training group appreciated this kind of training and everybody trained with high motivation.

The training atmosphere was even more inspiring, due to the special training facility in which the seminar training was conducted. Because the host of the Armadong Kali event asked, that the training facility should not be disclosed, no pictures from the facility shall be published. So this article is accompanied with a picture showing the panoramic view from Ulis hotel room in Bern. Just imagine the training area being even more exciting. :-)

During the Armadong Kali weekend Punong Bantay Tuhon Uli Weidle said. “I want to use this opportunity to express my gratitude and deepest respect to instructor Angelo Lacava and instructor Christian Endres for their strong friendship and sincere dedication to the art. Those two have been pioneers for Pekiti Tirsia and Armadong Kali in Switzerland; unselfishly promoting Kali in Switzerland for 20 years and more to come. The awesome people who attended the Armadong Kali weekend show that their efforts are bearing excellent fruits.”

On the second day of the event Punong Bantay Uli promoted Timo Reusser, Fabio Jäger and Thomas Fontana in recognition for their skills and diligent training to Silver Star Apprentice Instructors in Armadong Kali. 

Already when the first day was done some members requested to follow up the training with intense elite group training sessions in the Reutlingen HQ. 

With pleasure Punong Uli accepted an invitation from the Kali group St. Gallen who offered to host an Armadong Kali training event next year in St. Gallen. Time and date will be announced. So better watch out!

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